Sunday, September 21, 2008

This (previous) week

So, you will get my York post tomorrow.

But until then, I will give you some amusing anecdotes from my week. We will start out with a story from last weekend. I know what you're thinking; I did already post about last weekend. But, I left out this story because I didn't have the pictures yet. Well, now I do!

My friend Libby and I went for a walk. We hiked up a dirt path behind the manor just to see where it led.

That's what we walked up. It was a little muddy, but overall not too bad. There were some nice cardio moments where we were walking up quite a steep incline. Once we got to the top of the hill, we found a field!
The field obviously was full of a crop that remained a mystery. That is, it was a mystery until Libby pulled a plant out of the ground. And out came a turnip! It was pretty nifty. We pulled a small turnip, so we didn't feel bad about doing it. Plus, the farmer had already driven by on his tractor. We walked along the edge of this field til we came to a road. We crossed the road and jumped over the hedge to find another field.
You can tell it was a beautiful day for a walk. These fields stretched on for awhile, so after walking around the edges for awhile, we decided to turn back.
This is Libby, still holding the turnip, walking through the field. This is where we hit a problem. We crossed the road, but to get back into the turnip field and back to school, we had to crawl through the hedge. We had walked down far enough that our short, jump-height hedge was gone. So we crawled on our hands and knees through the hedge. Problem was - there was thistle. It makes your skin break out and BURN and itch. More on that later.

We get back to school and try to find somewhere to discard our turnip. Being college students, we can't just throw it away. We have to put it somewhere humorous.
So we put it in a lion's mouth. It was there for a good 24 hours before it disappeared. It was pretty funny. After dinner, I noticed my ankles were still burning pretty bad from the thistle, so I went and stood in the dorm bathtub, running cold water over my ankles for a solid five minutes. It took til about Tuesday for the rash and burn to go away completely.

Lessee, I already blogged about the quiz and such on Monday. Tuesday was a pretty uneventful class day; my day was occupied with Shakespeare and my travel writing class. Wednesday was a FIELD TRIP (aka the reason I loved elementary school). We went to Lincoln, not the zoo or the aquarium. We saw a castle, a cathedral, Roman ruins, and other things. It was SO COOL. Here are some picture highlights.

The minster spires and the top of a tower that was part of the castle.

One of the towers of the castle and our tour guide. We eventually hiked up a bunch of stairs to get to that tower! I was out of breath halfway up.

THE ROMAN ARCH. Constantine passed through that arch. Crazy! And it's still standing and cars drive under it all the time. So cool.

The inside of the Minster. It is truly beautiful in there. And lots of interesting facts about the cathedral I learned from my tour guide, one of the professors here at school. Many of the saints' statues in the cathedral had their heads knocked off during Henry VIII's reformation. Somehow, they didn't completely destroy the church like they did with St. Mary's Abbey in York. You'll see those pictures tomorrow.

Well, that was my Lincoln trip. That plus a little shopping. I got some really bright cute socks, and they were much needed. I didn't bring enough socks; laundry over here is expensive!

Thursday was more class (gross!) and I worked in the library Thursday night. Since we had a regular 3-day weekend this weekend, a lot of people left Thursday night. And of those still on campus, no one wanted to study :). So it was a pretty easy four hours. I got bored really fast.

Then Friday was an early morning for York departure! I promise to write all about that tomorrow. I finished one huge chunk of homework; now to finish the other chunk. Until tomorrow! Have a wonderful start to the week!


Sara St. said...

Your life wins. Period. Turnip field? Really?

Jamie said...

Are you sure it wasn't stinging nettle? That burns really badly when you get into it!

Keep watching your mail . . .

Love you! Mom

aunt dianne said...

Hello! How wonderful to read and see your excursions(sp)! See that you are having the "wonderful life"!!!!!!!
Love ya bunches, Aunt Dianne