We pile into coaches as it's raining (should have seen it as a sign) and drive to London. We have a break at Mimms, the nicest truck stop in all of England, so says our President. It reminded me of the skymalls that Southwind occasionally stopped at. After eating my (free!) bagged lunch, I get back on the coach. Most of you know that in a moving vehicle, I can fall asleep at just about any time. So that's what I did. I slept for three hours. We arrived in the city and rode around a bit in the buses. We saw the major sights and drove through the major districts of the city. At about 2 pm, we go to check into our hotel.
This was our hotel room:
View from our hotel room:
We throw our bags down and hit the closest Underground stop. Being college students and wishing to do anything but homework, three friends and I had divided up what we wanted to do each day. We all buy Oyster cards (best deal ever!) and navigate the system to get us to Kensington Gardens.
Oh wow. It's beautiful. The gatehouse was designed by Christopher Wren, and there are lots of fountains and ponds with crazy birds. See below!
The beautiful gatehouse:
After some more walking, we found Prince Albert's memorial and Kensington Palace.
Now, I'm not exactly sure what Prince Albert did to deserve it, but his memorial is spectacular! And truthfully, Kensignton Palace is a little disappointing. It's not magnificant, but it sure is large.
I'm not kidding about the grandeur of Albert's memorial!
And the Palace, with a statue of William III in front, holding down the fort
The Palace was the home of Diana, and the gates are still covered in memorobilia. And I learned, upon returning home, that Saturday was the anniversary of her death. It was very moving. All sorts of things were there.

After they kicked us out of the Museum, we walked around trying to find something to eat. We were slightly picky for awhile. But after about thirty minutes of this, we were cold, extremely wet, and very hungry. We found a thai place that was fairly close to our hotel and sat down to eat. It was wonderful. We went back to the hotel as we were all very tired and footsore and crashed in preparation for Saturday.
Speaking of crashing...I am very tired, so I will put off updating you on Saturday and Sunday until tomorrow.
Until then!
Concerning the last picture: POUND IT! ...That'll be about $1.75. (It sounded better when it was two dollars, but that's the price you pay for, er, lower prices.)
There's so much word play in this comment... it's just got to stop.
Wonderful! Keep writing!
great to see all the the sights through your eyes and the info on all you see! look forward to all you can send! love ya
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