Thursday, September 4, 2008

Classes and such

So, it's the last day of classes in the first week. I like most of my classes. I'm only taking three for 12 credit hours - one of them is worth six alone. Here's my schedule:

M and W: 8:30 - British Studies Lecture
11:00 - British Studies Seminar
4:10 - Creative Nonfiction Travel Writing (Not on Wednesdays)

T and Th: 10:15 - Shakespeare
4:10 - Creative Nonfiction Travel Writing

British Studies (aka BS) is a lot of reading and presenting things in small groups. Not too daunting, but it requires a lot of outside class time. Shakespeare will be pretty good, I think. Unfortunately, we have a very large class of about 37, but I have several friends in it with me. My writing class is the one I'm least excited about. The professor is...interesting. I'm trying to reserve judgment on that class, so we will have to see.

Aside from going to classes and reading, I've been fairly busy. I am working in the library this semester for about seven hours a week. It won't be too demanding, and we can study if there is nothing specific for us to do. Also, there was a London trip briefing, an independent travel seminar, and a historic tour of the manor this week too. Add that plus social time in the Bistro, a run into town to ASDA (the British wal-mart), and taking walks and naps and I have had a very busy week!

Tomorrow we leave for London at 8:30. Once we get there, we are going on a bus tour, then have Friday evening and Saturday free. Sunday, we are going to Hampton Court, a "summer palace" for Henry VIII. I will be sure to post pictures and tell you all about it when I get back on Sunday!

It's lunchtime now, and that's good, because my stomach is growling.
I hope everything in the States is going well! Leave me a comment telling me what's going on.

I love you all!

1 comment:

Paul Blackburn said...

Have a blast in ol' London-town!!! Be smart and safe! I'm sure you'll have some great experiences. Can't wait to hear about them. - Dad