Monday, September 15, 2008

The weekend and such

I am trying desperately to get into a schedule of updating this, but I failed miserably this weekend. I apologize!

So, Friday we had classes. They give most of Fridays off to encourage travel and such, but this Friday was an exception. We have a field trip on Wednesday to Lincoln to see the cathedral, castle, and Roman ruins - the classroom come to life! It is an early morning, but I think it will be fun. I am sure Lincoln will love to see three charter buses pull up with tons of American students!

Anways, I digress.

After classes on Friday, we just kind of chilled around campus. We watched Snatch that night in the Lounge - a big room with a tv and nice couches. Snatch is very funny and extremely well-made. After that, I went to bed fairly early. Friday was pretty chill.

Saturday, I got my lazy butt out of bed to grab some breakfast. The refectory is only open from 7:30 - 8:30 every morning, including weekends. So I had some Wheatabix, hot chocolate, and promptly went back to bed. A quick shower and I was ready to go into town.

We took the 10:10 shuttle into Grantham. We hit up ASDA (the British Wal-mart) and I got some things I was needing - another sweatshirt, some biscuits, tea, and a travel mug (to steal hot chocolate from the refectory!). We then walked through the open-air market they have every Saturday morning in Grantham. It's not just food; they have everything - clothes, electronics, dogs (a Yorkie rescue table). I wish there were things like this in the US in every little town. We bought some nuts and dried apples (only 60p for a bag of each) and snacked a little. Then, we found the Salvation Army. They are very nice stores here - much nicer than Goodwill or their sister stores in the States. I got a raincoat (very much needed) for 3 GBP and a wool sweater for 4. I was quite proud of myself!

After that, we wandered through the grocery store and the rest of downtown. We ate lunch at a little sandwich shop off the 'square' and people watched. There were lots of adorable little English children with their parents out. The weather was BEAUTIFUL, and the forecast was calling for rain all day! Everyone was taking advantage of the good weather.

Rode the shuttle back and spent the rest of the day doing homework and relaxing. Then, at 11, two girls and I met up to get some munchies and camp down for the USC - OSU football game. The college is nice enough to have purchased the North American Sports Network, and they were showing the game LIVE. However, that means it did not start til 1 am my time. One girl bailed around two, and Safire and I finally called it a night around 3:45, with USC dominating the third quarter. It was nice to watch something that I knew my friends in the States were watching too. Not to mention it was a good game!

Sunday I slept in very late. I stumbled to brunch in my pjs and felt revived after my second cup of coffee. I spent most of Sunday typing notes and studying for the first British Studies quiz (more on that later). I also met with my BS small group to put together a short handout on the history of Oxford. Some of us got the munchies and ordered pizza, then I went to bed.

And now I'm all caught up to today! Mondays are pretty typical. I wake up at 7:40, go to breakfast at 7:50 in my pajamas, then go grab a seat in the Long Gallery for lecture. The gong is sounded promptly at 8:30, and the doors are shut. Lecture is anywhere between 50 minutes to an hour, then it's back to my room for a nap til around 10. Then I shower and make myself look normal. Seminar is from 11 to noon, followed by lunch. Then it's back to my room for studying or whatever I feel like doing (read: probably nap).  Writing class (oh joy!!!) is at 4:10 til 5, followed by dinner. 

Sidenote: Wine Gums may be the best gummy candy ever. Just had to get that out there. 

Anyways, today we had the first British Studies quiz. Everyone was kind of nervous, but the professors kept telling us they were easy. I overstudied by a ton. I thought it was pretty easy. For some reason, Dr. Green, my seminar teacher, looked over mine as he was collecting them and said "You must have thought it was easy." SWEET. That makes me happy.

I finished my Shakespeare reading early today, so I went to yoga tonight at 8. It was nice, but the room was crowded. We had about 35 people there! I hope I can go weekly. It was great to focus just on breathing and stretching.

I guess I'll get a jumpstart on next week's reading. 

Hope the gas prices go down, the stock market stabalizes, and everyone has a great day!

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