Friday, September 18, 2009

Yet another pretty average day.

And that's what I dislike about the school routine. Every day just seems pretty okay. I guess I could consider it an accomplishment that I speak up in class, complete my schoolwork, and generally just make it through the day. But I hate how each day becomes just another day. Hence I love this quote:

"Push the urge away to wake up feeling just the same as yesterday" (NeedtoBreathe).

So I try to take it to heart and make something about each day special and unique. It's a process I'm still struggling with, but I'm trying.

Tomorrow shouldn't be average though, because I get to see the family! I'm going home to teach Franklin on Saturday. It's their first show of the year, and it should be a productive practice day on top of that. The rain just needs to go away!

My coffeemaker is set. The Doctor's Wife and my fluffy bed are calling my name.

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