Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I promise.

I promise I haven't forgotten about this blog, so

I promise to do my very, very best to write something in this EVERY single day. Even if it's a sentence, I will write something. Anything.

Summer has come and gone, although Evansville weather does not reflect this change yet. It's still hot and humid, no matter how many times the weatherpeople promise relief is on the way.

I sit here, in my very first apartment, and think that I'm facing another semester. But it's not just another semester. It's my final fall semester. I am a senior. A year from now, I will (hopefully) be living in another apartment and (hopefully) have a real-person job that I (hopefully) love and enjoy.

I want to go back to Nashville.
But that's really the only certain thing about my future right now, though.

Oh, the uncertainty. I don't really mind it though.

Now, the Netsilik Eskimo are calling my name, telling me to read the rest of my assignment on them.

Day 1 of promise completed; now many more to go.

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