Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It has been brought to my attention that I have not updated this in quite some time. So here it goes.

I am in my last semester of college. With graduation in 3 months and 5 days, I feel the pressure to become an adult. Become an adult and make gigantic decisions about my future. I refuse. I do not refuse to grow up. Instead, I refuse to think that the decisions I make in the next coming months are worth more weight than the decisions I have made in the past four, past eight years.I remember how terrified I was when I was trying to pick a college. I was overwhelmed by the weight of the decision. But I received some very good advice then that went something like this: "This decision is no more important than what you will wear tomorrow or who you will sit next to at lunch. Just remember, whatever decision you make will be right. It will all turn out okay."

That's the approach I'm taking towards what I'm doing after graduation. I do know I am moving home so that I can march my very last summer of drum corps with Music City. I do know I am in charge of Franklin's guard program. I do know that I want to find something fulfilling and enjoyable with my next few months after drum corps. I need a job to pay my student loans. But it's hard to tell people my post-graduation plans when they ask. So I just give them the basic "find a job" answer. Or try to find a job.

I am not marching winter guard this year. It was the best choice for my health (saving my knees for the summer). I miss performing and bonding with people in the group, but I do not miss the stresses that came with marching, having only Sunday nights to do a weekend's worth of homework. I enjoyed sitting in the audience in the first show I attended. I was able to relax and soak up the performers' energy.

My senior seminar class is perhaps the most interesting class I have taken in my college career. We are discussing what is literature. We are reading all sorts of genre fiction. Genre fiction is the all the that are sold in Borders or Barnes & Noble but are not included in the "Literature" section (sci-fi, romance, mystery, action/adventure). It is really refreshing to be reading books that are not considered "literature" by those in the book world. The first book we are reading is Ilium, a sci-fi book based around the Trojan War that may or may not be taking place on Mars. It is a very intriguing read, and we're speaking about the qualities that do or do not make the work literature. I am excited for the rest of this class.

I am now at my friends' house, waiting for Pizza Hut to come. Don't usually eat pizza, but it's $10 for any pizza, any size. We're too cheap to pass up that.

(Hopefully I will be writing in this blog more often)

1 comment:

Kevin Madison said...

I will make sure you write in this blog more often... :)