Monday, December 22, 2008

Last post from the UK

This is my last post from the UK! My bags are packed - it's really tight in our hotel room with all my luggage! But one must remember that 4 months of my life are in these two suitcases. It was hard to pack at school.

I have had a lovely, crazy, wonderful time with my Dad. You'll get full updates on what I have done when I get some down time over the next two weeks or so.

And never fear! I will keep this blog going. The name will change, obviously, but I know there is some interest in keeping those who read this informed on my life. I'm not sure how exciting future updates will be - no promises here - but I will continue to write!

Happy holidays, and I'll be in the States soon!


1 comment:

Jamie said...

I, for one, love to read your writings! And I can't wait to see you :)