Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Departing soon!

I know, I know. I still have two major posts to do - don't fear! I've written pretty much everything down in a journal, so I'll go back and write about London and Amsterdam and post pictures. 

But here I am, writing this instead of studying for my final exam, which is British Studies. I'm really not too concerned about it, because I have a solid A- in that class right now. That sounds perfectly fine to me! I'm also not packing; however, all my clothes are clean! The washing situation here has been a nightmare - this past weekend, there was one working washing machine for the entire manor. Some of them have been fixed (it's always iffy to if they work or now), and this morning I just happened to come upon an empty washer. I jumped on that! So now my clothes are clean. I should state for the record that I have packed a lot - my gifts and souvies and some of my clothes are packed. I just need to pack for the next two weeks!

Speaking of that, my daddy gets here tomorrow! He will be here after my final exam tomorrow afternoon. Then we are traveling for two weeks around the UK and headed home on the 23rd, right in time for Christmas. 

So I am saying, for the moment, a goodbye. I will try to post here whenever I can and update you on where we are in the country. 

But until I get home:

"Keep each other safe. Keep faith. Good night." 
 - Lee Jordan


-S said...

Study study study!

Oh, I left you a voicemail. You should check it out.

I'm off to go get my biometric scans at the immigration office. Yay for being in the system!!


Sara St. said...

I am in love with you. I can't believe you used my favorite line from anything ever. Lee Jordan knows how it is.

Come home to me safe. <3