Monday, January 26, 2009

Picture of the Day

I've decided to post a picture of the day from the remaining trips that I haven't written about. This includes the travel I did with my father! Meanwhile, I'll update a little about what's going on in my life. :)

Today's picture:

This is the subway at 5 am. It was empty, as you can tell. We were on the first tube to get to the train station to catch a train to get to port to catch a ferry to Amsterdam (did ya catch that?). It was creepy because there was no one else on!

School is busy. I am taking 13 hours of Victorian Lit, Fitzgerald & Hemingway, Social Psychology, and Biology 100 (plus lab). I'm also working 8 hours a week in the writing center, tutoring students in improving their writing. My classes are okay - not as exciting as I thought they would be. Biology is...well, it's science, and science is not my favorite subject at all. 

Right now, however, the campus is in an uproar because we are under a weather storm warning. It's been sleeting/snowing/precipitating all night, and all the local school systems are already closed. We're hoping that we are awoken at an ungodly hour in the morning to the sound of our phones alerting us that we don't have class. 

Life is moving along.


Sara St. said...

Meh meh meh I'm Chelsea and I'm sooo busy with my thirteen credits this semester!

(Just kidding I love you)

Jamie said...

Were you really up at 5 something in the morning???