Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Packing, Day 1

I know, I know. It's less than 48 hours until I leave, and I just now started packing. Granted, I did run errands before today and buy some necessities. So it was just a matter of putting things in piles. Tonight, I plan on putting the piles into a suitcase.

The main problem? I hate packing. No matter how many lists I make, how many times I doublecheck my bags, I always feel like I'm forgetting something. I realize I am not going to Africa or the Artic, so I will be able to buy what I forget in England. It's just that packing is a frustrating procedure. Plus, I always overpack. Always. And it's usually clothes, but I've already weened out all the clothes that I think I won't wear. Alas, I still have large piles. Here's a look of almost of everything I plan on taking.

I'm pretty sure that's everything. It's not that much stuff. I mean, I am leaving for four months. And I have to take schoolbooks. So I don't think I did a too shabby job.

But, here's a close-up on the clothes:

So yeah. I'm taking a lot of clothes. But only five pairs of shoes! This is usually my downfall. I like shoes. But 5 pairs (including shower shoes) isn't too bad. And I'm wearing one on the plane. So really, I'm only packing three.

The goal tonight: put things in suitcases.
The goal tomorrow: pack carry-on.
Thursday: departure day.

T-minus 48 hours!

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