Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring break has come and gone. I need another break to recover from my break. Highlights include:

- Winter guard practice and performance in which people screamed lots.
- Playing the Wii and making root beer floats with the family.
- Driving to Knoxville to visit Jenn, a bestie.
- Reading and watching lots of the Food Network at Jenn's apartment. 
- One day at home to do all my errands and take care of the high-maintenance dogs.
- Drive to Atlanta to practice and perform twice for guard.

I realize that I am in a competitive performing arts experience. However, I am and never was one to focus on the scores that are given. Instead, I was taught to focus on the feedback given by the crowd. This weekend put that philosophy of mine to the test. My guard had a decent prelims run and a much better finals run. We had great audience reaction at both performances. The scores did not reflect the feelings we had as the audience applauded and cheered, as we left the floor. But that's not why I perform. This is why:

We present an "intriguing look at the Punk street culture of the 80s. In its color guard structure, 80s effects are also at play: rolling chain-link fences and honest-to-goodness dead-on character performers make this Nashville unit a stand-out. But it's when the show gets a "hit of that adrenaline" that it takes off, with daring, with revolution, and with competition, in mind."

Obviously the reviewer was able to partake in the energy that my guard creates as we do our thing. That's why I pay lots of money to get yelled at, have no social life on the weekends, am constantly behind in homework, bruise and break various joints of my body, and run up miles on my car. 

Just something I wanted to share.

The storm outside is lovely.